Recovery (LTM)

 To My Beautiful Disasters...

My road to recovery has been a long and heartfelt battle. I lost more than I have won. I have fallen and faltered many times throughout many years. I have made many mistakes, as most people are prone to do, but my decisions have lead me down dark and lonely roads which I have struggled greatly with to come back from. I have come back from the brink, one of the lucky few. So many have lost their way, only never to be found again. I had to take the first steps on my own, but on my long journey back from Hell, I noticed that I still had some Love from those who truly believed that the good part of me still existed, buried deep inside me somewhere, and I was no longer alone. My war is far from over. Every day forward will be a struggle. Every Demon I have acquired over the years have become lifelong companions. Battles to be fought and won on a daily basis. The struggle is real...

It's because of this that I want you to know that you are not alone. I understand your stress. I feel your pain. I know what it is to have a hole in your soul. Your story isn't over yet...

Take my hand. Let's take a few steps together towards a better future. And write yourself a much happier ending.....