First Instagram posting by Noha Poke (March 2, 2021)

TODAY'S ARTIST: Noha Poke March 11, 2023

Today, I have the honor of featuring The Art Collective's first official TODAY'S ARTIST, Noha Poke.

I found Noha Poke during a fun voyage on Instagram to find amazing talent, enjoy their work, and to feature them on The Art Collective blog.

I came across Noha Poke through mutual accounts we both follow, and I had to check out their work;  first because of the account profile photo (Jodelle Ferland as Alessa Gillespie in the movie adaptation of the video game, Silent Hill.  Big fan of the movie, never played the video game) and the name, Noha Poke, because I thought it was interesting.  Then I clicked on their account and I am so happy that I did.

Noha Poke's artwork are pen and ink drawings, that originally started out in black pen ink, and has progressed into black and red ink.  Macabre, dark, creepy, and thought provoking, and I am an instant fan.  

I wanted Noha Poke to be my first feature, so I messaged them immediately, and asked if it was alright that I feature their artwork on my new blog, and they were more than happy to allow me to do so.

I got to chatting with Noha Poke and got to know them;  they are probably one of the nicest people I have, "met," on IG, and it was a pleasure.  

Here's some information about Noha Poke that I want to share with you all...

Noha Poke is from Libya (which is a country in Northern Africa, for those that do not know) and they have been drawing since the age of 14 years old.  Their inspiration comes from their mind, inspired by their mind's vision, which is called, "surrealist automatism," free from aesthetic or moral preoccupations.  It is surrealism aimed to eliminate the distinction between dream and reality, reason and madness, & objectivity and subjectivity.  Noha Poke also enjoys writing fantasy literature, and loves the movie and music from, "Silent Hill."  

Some of Noha Poke's favorite, daring artists are Polish dystopian surrealism artistZdzislaw Beksinski (check out this YouTube channel dedicated to Zdzislaw Bekinski), Mexican/German surrealist and magical realist artist, Frida Kahlo, Japanese horror manga artist, Junji Ito (one of my top ten favorite artists), and Italian polymath renaissance artist, engineer, scientist, theorist, architect, mathematical artist, and sculptor, Leonardo da Vinci, to name a few.

There are hundreds of intriguing artwork on Noha Poke's Instagram, that it was so difficult for me to find the ones that I wanted to feature in this piece, because I wanted all of them, and they frequently post new artwork, that you really just need to follow them to keep up with what's going on inside their head.  But below are some select pieces that I believe will be enough to captivate you into following them, and appreciating the rawness of their art and soul.

Artwork by Noha Poke

Pretty intense, right?  If you are fan of the pen and ink, automatism medium, you have to follow Noha Poke.  

Noha Poke is only on Instagram, so be sure to hit that follow button and love their work.

Thank you for joining me today on The Art Collective's first TODAY'S ARTIST feature.  Be sure to hit that subscribe button for more artists to discover.

-Vanessa Moylan-Theodore
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