Darkness (LTM)

 To my lovely Creatures...

There is in me a darkness that, by darkness challenged, will rise up and have it's way. I have committed some memorable ruination. I have decayed the ground beneath my feet with every negative step that I took. My screams for help fell upon deaf ears. The real me was buried alive long ago. Everything I have let go of had claw marks covering them. I'm radioactive, attracting some by my bright glow yet slowly poisoning most around me. I've built the strongest of walls for protection only to become a prisoner of my own emotions. I carried salt for the wounded and vinegar to offer the thirsty. I hurt you and convinced you that you were to blame. I dipped my hands in holy water only to wash off the blood. I confessed my sins only to clear my slate to make room for more. I've made a reservation at the best table in Hell for the innocent people that I know. I've lost my humanity. I've been State property. I've sacrificed my freedom. I've used words as weapons. I've hurt myself just to feel something. I've numbed myself just to feel nothing. I've held the key to my own cell. I've scarred you just so you don't forget me. I've walked through cemeteries just for the company. I've had tales told of my days of a man and have a legend that proceeds myself. I am the villain of my own story...

I thought that the mirror was broken when looking at the reflection, but now I know that it was my soul that was shattered.....