Dark Mennis

TODAY'S ARTIST:  Dark Mennis

The Art Collective's Today's Artist is New Jersey's very own, Dark Mennis (AKA Mark Dennis)!!

TAC - Hello!  How are you today?  What's been going on?!
DARK MENNIS - Nothing much. Working, Drawing, Watching College Basketball like everyone else this time of year.
TAC - Would you like to off by introducing yourself, tell us where are you from, how old you were when you started creating art, and does your environment inspire your artwork? 
DARK MENNIS - I was born in Cape Cod, grew up in Ocean City, Jersey, and moved to Philly after college in 1990. 
I started writing a lot when I was young and never really got too much into visual art but always had an eye for context and how images moved and worked together. 
I liked fashion and music a lot but mainly focused on writing. I started drawing only recently for fun and got such positive feedback I kept doing it. 
I don't really have any ambition with it at this time, I just like to draw, it's a mindfulness exercise for me.
TAC - That's pretty cool!  I like the whole, just doing it for fun and for yourself.  It makes it less stressful.
Who are your biggest artistic influences?

DARK MENNIS - I always loved comic books, comic strips, pop art, pulp, satire, and other darker, more cynical forms of humor regarding human behavior and politics. 
Dr. Seuss, Gary Larson, Charles Schulz, Charles Addams, Gahan Wilson are some of my favorites in terms of pop but I also like Van Gogh, Monet, and Andrew Wyeth
I love allegorical art like fairy tales too.
TAC - Oh my god, YES!!!!!  The Gary Larson & The Far Side!!!  I grew up on that because of my dad, actually.  
I can see a lot of your influences and movements you favor in your work, for sure.
Do you have a favorite medium? 
DARK MENNIS - Pencil Drawing and Ink Outline.  I also like including captions and speech bubbles.
TAC - I NOTICED and I am a fan! 
Do you have any other sources that you pull inspiration from?

DARK MENNIS - Whatever comes to mind usually but often with some of the political and social stuff I do, it's what's going on in the world at the time.
TAC - That's cool.  
When is your favorite time of day to create?  

DARK MENNIS - Nighttime after I'm done with everything else for the day, can relax, and not worry about time.
TAC - I understand that, plus, for me at least, I come up with better art at night.  Sometimes I like what stuff I come up with RIGHT BEFORE falling asleep.  
In your own words, can you describe why art is important to the world?  

DARK MENNIS - Pure creativity and individuality for their own sake need to be preserved in a world of instant gratification and greed.
What motivates you to create?  

DARK MENNIS - It makes me feel good and sometimes makes other people feel good too.
TAC - I think what is important for the artist to create for themselves first, because it's what is currently motivating you, and to be able to have that freedom to share with the world is great.  Art should make you feel something.  
How do you define success as an artist?  

DARK MENNIS - When you have the confidence to create from the heart and mind with no expectation of others' reactions, be they preferential or monetary.
TAC - I like that a lot!  Thanks for sharing that with us!  
Does art help you in any other areas of your life?  

DARK MENNIS - Right now, drawing allows me to disconnect from a world that I enjoy a lot but am also increasingly frustrated with.
TAC - YES!  Excellent!
How did and do you develop your artistic skills?

DARK MENNIS - Keep drawing, keep paying attention to what's important, that is for it to be rewarding, and offer some sense of purpose.
TAC -  Have you worked as professional artist?  

TAC - Hey, you never know...that could change!  
Has your style changed over time or have you basically kept true since the beginning?  

DARK MENNIS - Not that I can see but I'm not really sure I have a style. I just draw and I like it then people tell me they like it too so it's a win, win, win!
TAC - What's your favorite and least favorite parts of professionals arts?  

DARK MENNIS - Favorite is that I like doing it, I don't know if there's a least, maybe the threat of increasing expectations making it feel like more of an obligation than an awesome thing to do for no reason at all.
TAC - I like your perspective.  
Do you have a network of other artists and how do they support/mentor you? 

DARK MENNIS - My sister is very creative, she's my barometer because her style is epic. 
My nieces are both very creative as are my kids. I know other people that draw and some who are professional illustrators that tell me to keep working.
TAC - I know your sister, we used to work together at Hot Topic a million years ago.  She's awesome and I adore her.  She incredibly creative, I love it.  Seems like a great family of very artistic people, that's awesome!
Having that support, and even mentorship, are incredibly important. 
What have critics, collectors, and others have said about your work?  

DARK MENNIS - Most of the feedback I've gotten is positive. I can't say that I've allowed myself to run any gauntlets of opinion outside of people who know me.
TAC - Understandable!  
How do you manage a work-life balance as an artist?  

DARK MENNIS - I spend most of my time at my day job, working on drawing projects in my spare time, and some community charity work.
I'm fortunate in my life at this time that balance kind of comes naturally.
TAC - That's great!  I also really LOVE how you do charity work  
How can we, The Art Collective, help your career growth?  

DARK MENNIS - You already are by recognizing my stuff.  I'm very grateful for that.
TAC - Awwww, it's my pleasure!  Seriously!  You know I have you back!  
Describe your dream project and do you have a dream collaboration with anyone?  

DARK MENNIS - I'd like to write and illustrate a kid's book about mental heath and addiction so they could learn more than they're typically taught without scaring the crap out of them, but they would understand how important it is to be kind to yourself and talk about how you are feeling.
I've done a couple of drawings that I thought I could use as pages in a book like that.
TAC -, I will back you back you on that 100000000%!!!!! Maybe someone will read this and help make that a reality for you!!! I would LOVE this see this come to light!
Do you have a picture you can share with us of your first piece of art?  

DARK MENNIS - I don't have anything drawn, written or painted from that far back.
TAC - Awwww, bummer!  
Do you have a favorite and a least favorite work of art you created?  

DARK MENNIS - I have a favorite poem I wrote and there's one recent picture I did that I like a lot.
TAC - Maybe I can show that for you whenever you'd like.    
Can you tell me your about techniques when you're experiencing a creative block?  

DARK MENNIS - I take a day or a night off if I'm stuck. I try not to let two days go by when I'm not at least doodling and then, fortunately, it turns into something. I don't always plan my drawings out, I just start with something and build around it.
TAC - Almost like surrealist automatism.  I interviewed another artist that does that.  I think that's a cool gift to have.  
Do you have any favorite artists?  

DARK MENNIS - I like Simon Bisley in terms of comic art, probably Van Gogh, I also like MC Escher's stuff.
TAC -   Do you have any favorite movies and that may inspire your work?

DARK MENNIS - Not too much. I like documentaries (Errol Morris, Barbara Koppel, & Michael Moore) the most but a good epic like Star Wars, The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, or The Godfather are cool. 
I probably draw some inspiration from watching BBC Earth stuff with David Attenborough.
TAC - Good mixture of stuff! 
What kind of music do you like and does that inspire your work?  

DARK MENNIS - I like all kinds of music, it's the best thing in the world. It does because a couple of my art pieces are of people playing in a band.
TAC - I have definitely noticed that!   You can definitely see the music influence in your work.  Not bands, per say, but the band aspect of it.
Do you have any hobbies outside of being an artist?  

DARK MENNIS - Reading, watching TV, and playing Sodoku. 
I like cartoons and documentaries.
TAC - Cool!
What are some interesting facts you'd like to share?  

DARK MENNIS - I'm a recovering addict and I work as a Masters Level Clinician in a Substance Use Treatment program. That definitely has a tendency to show up in my drawings.
TAC - Oh wow, I didn't know that.  That must be hard, but rewarding work! 
If you were to make a parody project of a famous piece of artwork, what would it be?  

DARK MENNIS - Munch's, "The Scream."
TAC - Nice!!!  I'd like to see it!!!
Well Mark, thank you so much for taking the time to do these questions and letting us get to know you,  it really means a lot, and I know your time is very valuable, so it really is greatly appreciated!!!  
It means a lot that you would give me this opportunity to get to know you and share your life and work on my blog, The Art Collective
If you have any social media accounts, websites, contact info, etc. you'd like for me to list so that everyone knows where to keep up-to-date about you and your endeavors, please share!

DARK MENNIS - Instagram "darkmennis4667", "Dark Mennis" group on Facebook!

Before We Go, Let's Check Out Some Great Work by Dark Mennis!

Don't forget to show support to TODAY'S ARTIST, Dark Mennis, by following them on social media, liking their work, sharing their work, and of course, if they sell their artwork - BUY BUY BUY!

Before We Say Goodbye...

Don't forget to show that love to The Art Collective!  Check out all of our socials on our LinkTree!  More platforms on the way along with other fun goodies!!!

Again, I want to say THANK YOU to Mark for taking time out of their schedule to do these questions, I had fun and I hope you did as well!  Let's revisit again when we have started our podcast!!

-Vanessa Moylan-Theodore
FOUNDER of The Art Collective